
Introducing Comfort Clipboard Pro
How to buy Comfort Clipboard Pro
Working with clipboard manager
Appearance Theme
Keyboard Shortcuts
Clipboard Manager
Other issues
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
Command line parameters
License Agreement

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts work in all applications.

Shortcut list

Show clipboard manager

Opens the clipboard manager.

For more details, see the Working with Clipboard Manager section.


Paste clipboard as plain text

Pastes unformatted text from the clipboard.

It may be handy to have the pasted text formatted like the other text at the target location, instead of keeping the original formatting.


Paste clipboard as keystroke sequence

Pastes text from the clipboard as a key sequence. Please note that the text cannot be very long.


Track clipboard changes on/off

Enables/disables clipboard monitoring by the clipboard manager. For example, you can disable the monitoring while copying confidential data.


Please note that when you are specifying keyboard shortcuts, the left and right control keys (Shift, Ctrl, Alt, or Win) are processed differently. To use only the right Shift, Ctrl, Alt, or Win key in a keyboard shortcut, press the respective right key. To use both (right and left) keys, press the respective left key.