Online Help

Introducing Comfort Keys Pro
How to buy Comfort Keys Pro
How to use Comfort Keys Pro
Keyboard shortcuts settings
Working with template manager
Working with clipboard manager
Using the on-screen keyboard
Controlling the input language
Customizing the keyboard type
Editing templates
Text tags
Editing shortcut icons
Action types
Run a program; open a document or folder
Open one or several Internet resources
Paste text
Play a keystroke macro
Connect/Disconnect from a network
Comfort Keys Pro actions
Audio control
Monitor control
Window control
Perform a system action
Change the language or case
Block key or shortcut
Replace key or shortcut
Appearance Theme
Keyboard Shortcuts
On-Screen Keyboard
Typing Aid
Floating Window
Clipboard Manager
Template Manager
Text Suggestions
Language Switcher
Language Bar
Shortcut Icons
Task Switching Window
Process History Window
How to show, close, fade, or move the on-screen keyboard
How to lock all settings
How to activate different keyboards
FAQ for developers
Command line parameters
Other issues
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
License Agreement

Typing Aid

Additional features for comfortable typing on the on-screen keyboard.

Double taping the space bar will insert a period followed by a space

You can insert a period followed by a space by pressing the space bar twice.

Capitalize the first letter of each sentence

If one of the specified characters is entered, the Shift key will be pressed automatically.

Delete a space before

If any of the characters on the list is entered and there are any spaces before that character, the spaces will be removed.

Add a space after

If any of the characters on the list is entered, a space will be added after that character.

Add a space before

If any of the characters on the list is entered and there is no space before that character, a space will be added before it.


Use all uppercase letters when I double-tap Shift

The keyboard holds the Shift key when you double-click the Shift key. It will stay down until pressed again.

Hold down Shift, Ctrl, Alt and Win key until pressed again

If a key is pressed for the first time, it will stay down until pressed again.


Enable AutoClick

If you hover the mouse over a key, it will be pressed automatically with the specified interval between key presses. This feature may be useful for persons with certain disabilities.

AutoClick delay (msec)

The time that passes before a mouse click is done at the mouse pointer’s current position.