Use these settings to adjust the look of keys and their labels. You can change the appearance of any key in the keyboard editing mode.
Show labels and icons in the center of keys
This option comes in handy if you use only one input language.
Show keyboard layout by default
The layout or language that is used to display key names in the upper-left corner.
Show symbols accessible via Shift when Shift is not pressed and font is not large
If the key size and font allows, all numerical keys will contain characters that are typed in combination with the Shift key.
Show symbols accessible via Ctrl and Shift+Ctrl
This option lets you display the characters that become available when you press Ctrl or Ctrl+Shift. As a rule, such key combinations are not used for text entry.
Color finger areas
You can highlight keys to learn touch typing. The keys will be highlighted in a different color for each finger.
Labels on system keys depend on the currently selected input language
You can change the labels displayed on these keys: Backspace, Tab, Enter, Shift, Ctrl, Alt, AltGr, Pause, Esc, PgUp, PgDn, End, Home, Arrows, PrtScr, Ins, Del, Apps, Win, Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock.
Show the state of Caps Lock, Num Lock and Scroll Lock keys
This option lets you display these keys as pressed if the respective mode is on (that is, if the respective indicator is lit on the physical keyboard).