這款螢幕鍵盤非常適合用於個人行動電腦,平板電腦,Kiosks系統等。 您可以使用電腦游標,觸控螢幕,筆或任何其他設備鍵入文字。



功能 | Comfort |
Windows 7 支援平板電腦輸入Win 7 |
Windows 10 / 8 觸控式鍵盤Win 10 |
自動鍵盤外觀當文字游標放置在文字中時,螢幕鍵盤將會出現。您也可以安裝瀏覽器擴充軟體來啟用此功能。 |
觸控螢幕和平板電腦模式鍵盤支援所有觸控螢幕並且與平板電腦模式兼容。 |
文字建議當您輸入時,鍵盤會根據您之前的對話和輸入的字母,顯示下一個可能輸入的單詞選擇。如果您選擇任何建議的單詞,它們將會被輸入至文字中。 |
手勢您可以為某些特定操作指定手勢:鍵入大寫字母,空格,向左刪除單詞,關閉鍵盤等。您可以修改每種手勢類型的操作,或僅禁用其中的一些操作。 深入了解 |
自動重複當按住某個鍵時,鍵盤類型將繼續輸入相應的符號,直至釋放該鍵。這是硬件鍵盤的常見行為。因此,您可以使用螢幕鍵盤在具備觸控螢幕的行動電腦上玩遊戲。 |
可定制的外觀能夠自定義鍵盤佈局並創造屬於自己的鍵盤。 |
開發者支援支援對螢幕鍵盤的編程控制。 |
應用程序快捷圖示顯示在您的螢幕鍵盤上。 | |||
透明度:改變鍵盤不透明度的功能。 | |||
縮放:改變鍵盤大小的功能。 | |||
文字游標旁的浮動圖示可喚起使用鍵盤功能。 | |||
聲音:將聲音分配給擊鍵的功能。 |
We have customers interested in a customizable keyboard, so they can add their own keys and such, and yours seems perfect for this. In fact, its a great little piece of software, I will recommend it wherever I can!
Thank you very much for your time and really like the virtual keyboard from Comfort Software. Sure beats the built in Win8 or Acers virtual keyboards!!
I have been using the microsoft virtual keyboard for years and have not been satisfied with it's limitations. Yours has all the features i have always wanted. Nice work!
i've just bought your on-screen keyboard. i must say it's the best virtual keyboard i found on the internet. very impressive work :)
I really like this software. I have to write in many different languages, and yours is the best software yet I have seen for that.
Given the lack of numeric keypads on the new, smaller ultrabooks those of us who need to use ASCII codes and Unicode inputs are stuck unless we have an auxiliary keyboard available, which when traveling isn’t always possible. So far it looks as though your virtual keyboard solves that problem.
Whoa! Very cool!! One could make some wild layouts! Thanks for your help.
Thank you very much! This is still one of my most useful programs.